Animor - Animor - Together (Official video) - Mx3.ch

Animor - Together (Official video)

108 plays
12 tracks

More information

Added on 28 June 2021


Together celebrates being together. It is an encouraging reflection on how we can grow together, support and improve each other.

Together celebra lo stare insieme. È una riflessione incoraggiante su come possiamo crescere insieme, sostenerci e miglioraci a vicenda.

Year of creation
Animor Music Limited
Video created by Abed Kawsarani & Denise Liardet
kids, music video, swiss music, finnish music, female vocal, joyful moments, together as one, together, indie music, through thick and thin

Credits and thanks

Many thanks for the constant help from many of you.
For the making of the video.. Thank you Tabita, Nael, Stewi, Mariam, Abed, Denise, Erik, Lorena, Marika, Mauro, Alberto, Sofia, Tara, Jacques, Tia, Gigi, Luigi, Nina.. and many more

108 plays