Gianfranco GFN - Mille Baci (Gianfranco GFN & Nino G.) - Mx3.ch

Mille Baci (Gianfranco GFN & Nino G.)

142 plays
91 morceaux

Plus d'informations

Ajouté le 9 mars 2022


Questa canzone e dedicata a tutti quelli che ricercano disperatamente l’amore.
Senza mai trovare l’occasione di dire a una personna cara quello che provano veramente.
Lasciando fugire una storia importante. Con La paura di fare uno sbaglio,
avolte pure con il rischio di perdere il treno della nostra vita
fare il primo passo e molto importante.
Trovare la forza ed il coraggio per aprirsi con una personna che amiamo è un salto che potrebbe cambiareLa nostra vita in meglio
E se non sarà cosi. Non avremo rimorsi.
dammi, la pace, l’amore e la fortuna, dammi i buonni auguri e la salute
dammi i Baci che mi sono mancati, dammi ricordi e bei momenti
fammi provare ancora una volta il sentimento del mio primo amore.
Mille Baci.

Musica, Solo Musica, Giusto Mille Baci ...

This song is dedicated to all those who desperately search for love.
Never finding the chance to tell a loved one how they really feel.
Letting an important story slip away. With the fear of making a mistake,
sometimes even with the risk of missing the train of our life.
taking the first step is very important.
Finding the strength and courage to open up to a person you love is a leap that could change your life for the better.
And if not. We will have no regrets.
give me, peace, love and luck, give me good wishes and health
Give me the Kisses that I missed, give me memories and good times
let me feel once again the feeling of my first love.
A Thousand Kisses.

... Music, Just Music, Just A Thousand Kisses ...

Année de création
96 Montigolfiera Production
Régisseur (vidéo)
Antonino Fontana
ambient, dance, groovemusic, music, musica italiana, pop

Crédits et remerciements


Release date : Mars 2022

Time : 3:35
Composer : Gianfranco GFN
Lyrics : Nino G.
Arranger : Gianfranco GFN & Nino G.

Band : Mystery
. Gianfranco GFN: Guitar
. Nino G.: Vocal – Beat-Box and Rap
. Julien Zosso: Drums
. Christian Chopard: Keyboard
. Gino Berchicci: Bass
. Paula Bright: Backing-Vocal
. Vladimir Carbone: Backing-Vocal

Records :
Studio : Trilogy Neuchâtel Switzerland
Sound Engineer : Jérôme Indermühle
Mixing : Jérôme Indermühle
Mastering : Studio Trilogy

Production :
Label : 96 Montigolfiera Production (Switzerland)
Distribution : 96 Montigolfiera Production (Switzerland)

Link :
Website : www.96gfn.ch
Buying: gianfrancogfn.bandcamp.com

Photographer : Eric Etiene
Graphic design : A.Fontana
Vidéo Clip: Eric Etiene & A.Fontana

Thanks To: Many thanks to all those who have been involved in this project in one way or another.

All Rights Reserved 96 Montigolfiera Production 2022

Pip-Line: Corporate : 2022 96 Montigolfiera production 069 GFN Music VD
all rights reserved

142 plays