BlueLee - No Fear - Mx3.ch

No Fear

629 Plays
Hip Hop
17 tracks

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Hinzugefügt am 12 Januar 2024

usa rap, hip-hop, rap

Credits & Dank

No Fear was recorded in Los Angeles Paramount Studios. Big thanks to the team and Engineer Xavier Daniel for the incredible experience. The amazing beat was produced by Ethan Thompson in NYC on our first stop during our US Music Tour in 2023. It's a very deep, meaningful song about our personal life and experiences through the emotion fear. For a long time bluelee was controlled by fear. So this song is to understand no matter how strong that feeling was, fear was always there with a good intention: to protect you and to find back to LOVE. When we start to understand that with love we stop to fight against it. A song to help people around the world to find peace to heal. No Fear will be released on our EP March 1st 2024 and we'll play this song on our Bonnie & Clyde Tour.

629 Plays