Janis Polar - Low Lower Son - Mx3.ch

Low Lower Son

7510 plays
Trip Hop
1 track

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Added on 14 September 2023


LOW LOWER SON is an attempt to speak about the body – a physical, political and societal entity – as a site of reprimands and control and the effects that such pressures create. An inquiry into what happens to bodies that are relegated to an existence of either invisibility or hyper visibility – paradoxically often at the same time. What remains? The dissociation within the individual, the fraught relationship between body and its environment, and the indomitable sense of longing that permeates everything.

The music video was recorded with different cameras, applying various optical/in-camera effects and digital artefacts evoked by different sensors.

Year of creation
Janis Polar

7510 plays

2 plays yesterday