THE BEAUTY OF GEMINA - One Step To Heaven (Re_Work) - Mx3.ch

One Step To Heaven (Re_Work)

58 plays
29 tracks

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Added on 3 March 2023

Year of creation
wave-rock, indie pop, post punk

Credits and thanks

«One Step To Heaven war 2006 einer meiner allerersten Songs, welche ich geschrieben habe und mit dem die Reise von The Beauty Of Gemina damals seinen Anfang nahm. Es war spannend ihm nach so vielen Jahren neues Leben einzuhauchen. Die neue Version ist voller Licht und Zuversicht und man kann Atem und Herzschlag regelrecht spüren, again and again.» Michael Sele

"One Step To Heaven was one of the very first songs I wrote back in 2006 and it was the beginning of The Beauty Of Gemina's journey. It was exciting to breathe new life into it after so many years. The new version is full of light and confidence and you can really feel the breath and heartbeat, again and again." Michael Sele

Words and Music by Michael Sele
Vocals, Guitars, Keyboads and Programming: Michael Sele
Bass, Keyboards: Philipp Küng
Mixed and produced by Michael Sele & Philipp Küng at Icecube Studios Mels, Switzerland 2023
Mastered by Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound NYC

58 plays