Coilguns - Witness the Kern Arc - Mx3.ch

Witness the Kern Arc

13 plays
52 morceaux

Plus d'informations

Ajouté le 4 janvier 2012

Stadia Rods
Année de création
Dead Dead Dead Music

Crédits et remerciements

Artwork by Dawid M. Piprek
Serigraphy by Out of GAS

Guitars and Drums recorded Live by Steve Notari at Artefact Studio on the 27th of july 2011
Vocals recorded by Louis Jucker somewhere in Zürich on the 30th of july 2011
Mixed and Mastered by Julien Fehlmann at Studio Mécanique on the 31st of july 2011

Recorded Live and uncut, except vocals, no guitar overdubs. This LP has been entirely produced within a week, mastering and manufacture included.

Produced by Jona Nido

13 plays