My love! also wie gseit das isch das lied! aber ebe... es trifft nöd wüki uf eus zue! :-)trozdem: this song is dedicated to you...!
bis bald! MRFK d. <3
Lyrics - It Seems
So tell me, is this realy everything thats left after all and everything we went through
Can it realy be that we just let it slip away, that we dont even try to fight, try to find another way
How could we be so blind and over see that life is not allways as easy as it seems
But then why couldn't we trust in what we had and try to make the best, try to make the best out of it
Is this realy us afterall
Is this what our romance has become
So tell is it right for you
I tell you it isn't right for me
We must see it's us that makes this real and that it's up to us to turn it all back right again
Please don't tear apart pieces that fit so well, it may not chance the world but it shakes my life and yours
But you know the recent things and events may disturb the mind and blind the heart for important things
So it seems to me that this is all wrong and that we should try to find back on the trail again
Then its us afterall
thats what the romance has become
tell me is this love for you
I tell you you're my love for me