ECHOTYPES - Paper Thin - Mx3.ch

Paper Thin

231 plays
15 tracks

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Added on 24 December 2021

Year of creation
NJP Music
njp music, echotypes, relations

Credits and thanks

‘Paper Thin’ sees Noelle deliver raw lyrics through a truly stirring and beautiful vocal performance, alongside a gentle but equally catchy melody.
Her verses convey pure emotion that comes straight from the heart and soul.
This is a very personal song about Noelle’s experiences with depression and the joy of life, that drives her to get up again relentlessly despite desperation.
“My skin is paper thin …” is how Noelle describes the moment when you can no longer protect yourself. Everything is overwhelming and the shame of the inability to act creates a void that seems insurmountable.
But ‘Paper Thin’ is not about desolation, but about hope and an indestructible will to live. “And I will get up and thrive …”, this mantra shines through the whole song, like the light at the end of the tunnel.

Performed by ECHOTYPES
Produced and written by Noelle Bobst, Jeffrey Rulloda, Leoš Gerteis
Mixing & Mastering Engineer: Leoš Gerteis
Recording und Mixing, Mastering Studio: NJP Studios
Vocal Recording: Jeffrey Rulloda, Leoš Gerteis

© 2022 ECHOTYPES published by NJP Music

231 plays