TheXenon - Hunted - Mx3.ch


652 Plays
12 tracks

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Hinzugefügt am 14 März 2022

EP coming in 2022, album in 2023
none (independent)
english song, english, soon, now, live, friendly, radio, listen, noise pop, pop punk, pop rock, pop, hard rock, melodic hardcore, melodic, guitars, guitar, ticino, tessin, band, new, thexenon, xenon, scam, pigeons, pigeon, brick, scream, yell, idiot, wasted, rebellion, frustration, frustrated pop, frustrated, musician, young, crazy, shit, constipation, conspiracy, paranoid, ignorant, stupid, humor, comedyrock, comedy, angry music, angry, sour, out, freak, system, control, neighbour, neighbor, neighborhood, mail, computer, camera, surveillance, surveillance cameras belvedere, surveillance camera near me, surveillance cameras installation, hunted like thieves, autoproduction, selfmade, selfproduced, diy swiss music, diy records, diy label, diy music, diy, noisy, noisepop, noise rock, noise, garage rock, garage punk, garage, revival, portpunk revival, post, proto, proto punk, british singer, brit, british rock, british, alt rock, alternative rock, grungerock, grunge, hardcore punk, hardcore-punk, hc, hardcore, punk jazz, punk attitude, punk blues, punkrock, punk-rock, punk rock, post-punk, punk, alternative, indie, rock

Credits & Dank

Written, self produced and self recorded by TheXenon. All rights are reserved to the members of the band, already covered by soundreef.com
Mixed & mastered by Jeffro Lack (https://www.jeffromixesyou.com) on March, 2022.

Rythm guitar, vocals and lyrics: Daniele Albini
Lead guitar: Roberto Gambarasi
Bass guitar: Adriano Bison
Drums and rythms: Dario Quarenghi
All instumental parts were written by those who play them.

I leave the house and something
immediately moves
It’s my neighbor’s head, that spies on me
from behind the window
maybe she’ll just wait for someone else to pass by,
to take a look at
I take the car, and I start driving, but suddenly
a camera in the middle of the street
it’s pointing right at me
I walk into a shop, all of a sudden
the security guard
looks at me, sternly

Am I hunted or what?
are they all hunting me?

I’m walking down the street
when a guy approaches
He says: "Do you wanna try some snow? It’s for free!"
I say no three times, four times
but he just won’t let me go
back home, neighbour’s always at the window
Watching over the building, how sweet
I get into my email
Ten new junk advertising messages
kind of trash

it’s just a rip off

Am I hunted or what?
are they all hunting me?

I don’t want no fetish eyes on me,
I just wanna be free

652 Plays