Spiral Core - Solid Ground - Mx3.ch

Solid Ground

198 plays
22 tracks

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Added on 26 October 2022

Solid Ground
Year of creation
Spiral Core
dream pop, slow music, dreamy, epic, singer-songwriter, ballad, slow, love

Credits and thanks

Spiral Core's newest single, "Solid Ground," takes listeners on an epic yet intimate journey to find passion, belonging, and paradise. Written as a tribute to Spiral Core founder Martin Bonauer's wife, the song tells an intimate and touching story that looks to inspire meaningful connections between people everywhere.
Inspired by a deeply spiritual relationship that has stood the test of time, "Solid Ground" captures the almost inexplicable duality of love, that magical sensation of being both grounded and free at the same time. Emotional, empowering, and enthralling, it's a reminder of all we are capable of when we form lasting bonds.
As the third single the band has released in recent weeks, "Solid Ground" joins "Here I Am," another love anthem, and "Words," an homage to one of Spiral Core's biggest influences, Depeche Mode.

Mastered by Camilo Silva at Camilo Silva F Mastering.

198 plays