The Upper Strata - Stolen Sapphire Blue - Mx3.ch

Stolen Sapphire Blue

14 plays
19 tracks

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Added on 6 January 2023

Year of creation
indie-electronic, atmospheric, synth

Credits and thanks

The color of usurpation, of desiring that which is not yours, coveting and hoarding for your own selfish whims and moods.

It sometimes amazes me that there are still kings, queens, dukes, princes and princesses in this day and age. The notion of royalty, that some have good blood or noble blood while others have mere common genes, is absurd yet still exists. Museums and palaces are full of the loot of another age, colonial theft and the spoils of war, yet royals are still filthy rich while their former subjects still struggle to get by. In recent years some governments and institutions have grappled with the imbalance and remnants of a ghastly history, yet many present the same old parental arguments as to why they should possess their stolen treasure.
Stolen Sapphire Blue was inspired by a jewel attached to the British collection known as the Crown Jewels. It is in part a parable of a lonely king that puts on his crown to wish the troubling world away, his favorite stone cheering him. The stone itself becomes a symbol of countless treasures, looted, stolen and hoarded by the wealthy, the famous and the royal.

14 plays