ado - Enough - Mx3.ch


38 plays
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Added on 29 April 2023

Year of creation
adomania.ch (Eigenvertrieb)
ado, single, psychedelic pop, psychedelic rock, pop, sixty

Credits and thanks

Written & performed by ADO

Tobi Joi, bass-guitar/leadvocals
Felix Schärer, synthesizer
René Bucher, synthesizer/backvocals
Sämi Hofmann, drums
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Bujar Berisha @ bergtonstudios
Support: FUKA–Fonds Stadt Luzern stadtluzern.ch

Lyrics (Tobi Joi)
Just listen up young fellas I got a tale for you, maybe you’ll get
the point or you’ll just stay behind.
Your information is wrong just get your facts straight, before you
judge someone or even do one harm.
You think you own the world, believe in your own lies, you have to
wake up soon or you’ll lose everything.
You might have all the money hey, it’s lonely at the top, you’ll
make an evil bully, repressing everyone.
Keep denying science just follow everyone else & what will happen
next, it's for you to regret.
You won’t see what's coming before you hit the ground & as your
empire crumbles no one will catch your fall.

We’ve had enough
of all the wrongs and wars your fighting
of profit mongering earth destroying
of all your racist way of thinking
rejecting the gender binary
of you and all your selfish behavior

It’s up to you, transform yourself

38 plays