Toby May - Merry Bloomin' Christmas - Mx3.ch

Merry Bloomin' Christmas

29 plays
14 tracks

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Added on 17 December 2018

Year of creation
Unagi Sound
prosecco, turkey, happy, xmas, merry bloomin' christmas

Credits and thanks

We’ve all been there, the pressure to entertain, to provide and to celebrate. The pressure to make Christmas the most wonderful and memorable time for everyone involved...
But, It doesn’t always work out like that does it?
Late nights, early mornings, too much food, too much booze and family members you’d rather avoid? Merry Bloomin’ Christmas, Indeeed...
As professional musicians, performers and songwriters, Spooner & May have performed thier fair share of Christmas Songs over the years, and with nearly every festive subject matter well and truly covered, it was time to pull back the duvet and expose the smelly underside of what really happens, when they decided to pen their own, very real look, at Christmas.
During a phone conversation in November 2018 the two friends decided to write a “Real Christmas Song” and within 24-hours of the phone being put down, the song was written and recorded. After a few hasty re-works and the construction of a lyric video, the song was ready to be unleashed.
“We don’t hate Christmas, it can be a great time of year...” explained Spooner, “There’s just always this expectation that it should be a perfect jewel of a day, like in all the Christmas songs we grew up with, you know....warm, fluffy and comfortable. But it’s never really like that when you’re a teenager or as a parent. There’s always something that gets in the way of that sense of perfection you experienced as a kid. This is a very British take on the Festive period.”
“That’s right” says May “This song is purely observational, we were rolling around laughing as we were discussing ideas for lyrics and sharing stories of family Christmas’ of years past. It’s a sarcastic look at Christmas, firmly tongue in cheek, you know? If we can convey that kind of emotion to our listeners, make them laugh....then we’ve done our job”
So, there maybe a multitude of calamity’s, a falling out here and there, some mild over indulgence and some tantrums BUT, there’s always something to look forward to...
“the Turkey’s not so bad” and a week later, it’s all over and deep down, you know that “things will work out fine”
Merry Bloomin’ Christmas.

29 plays