Therian Shifter - Murder - Mx3.ch


9 plays
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Added on 9 August 2019

Year of creation
Ghara Records

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Facts are what they are. The unfolding of events and acts on a timeline would be none other than what it has been, is and will be. It's all just a matter of perspective ultimately.

The world is the scene of social tragedies that seem to be triggered in a heartbeat. Violence has always been omnipresent and adapts to the times. Just as injustice leads to rage, social or intellectual isolation leads to an inevitable black future that can turn the worst thoughts into action.

Social inequalities, dehumanization and lack of empathy have made the world a breeding ground for real black novels. This freezing, traumatic and direct reality inspires authors of the detective genre and especially the noir novel.

While the detective genre deals with factual elements processed by investigators, while the thriller puts us, with the victim, at the centre of a threatening and unpleasant situation, the noir novel adds a socio-psychological aspect.

Therian Shifter tells you a commonplace story in a sick society, accompanied for the occasion by Gosha Shermadini and Jos Van Dooren. This story is the one that takes place every day in total indifference next door. It is the story of psychological violence created by our society, of deep despair that seems only to grow. This is the story of the changeover of an individual that should have been foreseen, the story of a person that should have been taken out of the environment that made him feel more uncomfortable. It is the simple story of various facts that are not only due to a senseless thought of an individual… It is the story of the context leading to the act. That of the mistakes of our system and our propensity to project them onto an individual, out of comfort, selfishness or cowardice…

This story is ours… yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Cover Art : tdinformatique.ch
Ghara Records 2019

9 plays