Marzella - 80 Summers [SUMMER] - Mx3.ch

80 Summers [SUMMER]

165 plays
34 tracks

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Added on 7 January 2020



Oh where are you going?
Back to that place where a ring was a dream and ambition was delusion

Oh I see you’re trembling
I’m stirring old memories you left in the past for a reason

He loved but he never knew
There was much more to you

If you could start your story 80 Summers later
Would you add in a different chapter?
Anna Maria

Oh that piece of writing
Hidden in that chest of yours, I found as I empty the drawers

Old letterings Tell tales of awards you kept all through the wars

You loved but you couldn’t stand
To lessen the man

If you could start your story 80 Summers later
Would you add in a different chapter?
Anna Maria

You lived so many things so I could learn
What about dreams?
What about recognition?
What if I scream?
Your sad confession

Would you add in a different chapter?
Anna Maria

Seasons of Life
Year of creation
Xavier Dromard
newmusic, musicians, female artist, duo, irish folk

Credits and thanks

Marzella are Marzia Celii and Ella Malherbe
Song written, composed and performed by Marzella
Arranged and produced by Marzella and Xavier Dromard

Produced by Yannick Maron
Actress: Thalia Dantas De Melo
DOP: Geoffroy Dubreuil
Camera assistant: Yves Marchon
Best Boy: Hugo Dimitri Hatolkay
Colour editing: Olivier Kowalczyk
Title design: Colas Weber

Filmed in an old and beautiful barn in Onnens (CH), home of the festival Sonnenscène.

165 plays