SINGING FOR HELP - My Friend - Mx3.ch

My Friend

195 plays
8 tracks

More information

Added on 24 May 2020

Gordon's Story
Year of creation
Nuc Production
animal rescue, university zurich, folk, rock, blues, concert, help, true story, sacha schilling, slaven karalic, bruno bosnic, singing for help, zurich, winterthur, charity project, charity concert

Credits and thanks

My Friend, second own song from SINGING FOR HELP. As our first song "Gordon's Story", also My Friend is based on a true story. This is all about if you have to make decisions you don't want. Saying goodbye to a friend or family member is probably one of the hardest thing you have to do, even more if you have to decide it.

We think, we found the right mix of music to support the singer when he had to put energy into the song so make it real.

This is music to enjoy....

195 plays