Toyin - Criminal - Mx3.ch


32 plays
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Added on 30 November 2020

Year of creation

Credits and thanks

Je remercie mon ancien boss qui a pété un plomb au bureau. Il m'a incité à donner ma démission et a ensuite décidé de porter plainte pour destructions des données alors que j'ai vidé la poubelle de mon drive perso qui avait des documents personnels. J'étais traduit en justice-la police m'a donné raison mais il n’a pas accepté et a fait recours. Devant les magistrats, j'ai eu des témoins de caractère, même l’informaticien de la société a dit qu'il fallait appuyer sur un bouton pour récupérer les données et que mon boss lui avait dit qu'il n’y avait rien d'important sur le drive. Mais j'ai compris que c'était un coup monté quand son avocat a confirmé le rend-vous de déjeuner avec les magistrats et mon avocat n’y était pas invité- ils ont montré que la justice est une farce. C’est une moquerie de la justice ou plutôt une justice à 5 balles-basée sur des séries américaines pleins des clichés sur la couleur de peau- On donne raison aux grands méchants. On ne défend jamais les victimes de l’injustice. Je suis juriste de formation et cet traitement m’a écœuré mais ça m’a aussi inspiré d’écrire cette chanson.

My thanks to the worst boss I ever had, who had a meltdown in the office and so scared me that I wrote my resignation letter on the spot. I cleaned out my desk and deleted all my personal documents off the C drive (personal drive) and he was so upset that I dared to resign that he filed a complaint against me to the Police for destruction of company property. I had to go for an interview and I explained the situation and they decided that I was right. The ex-boss refused to accept this and appealed so we ended up at the court of justice with a criminal case against me. I had character witnesses and written recommendations from my old jobs as I used to manage consulting projects with big budgets, liaising with clients and training other consultants. The IT guy at the company stated in court that all the personal documents I had deleted were not gone permanently and that they could be retrieved with one click of the button. He should have saved his breath as it was all planned in advance. What a waste of time! I knew we were fucked when my boss's lawyer asked the judges if they were still up for lunch and they all said yes. My lawyer was not invited. They made a mockery of the law, a travesty of justice and labelled me as a criminal. He inspired this song which will stand as a record for all time about corrupt, incompetent magistrates and a country where the rule of law is ignored and abused, where injustice is the order of the day. I have a law degree so I used to agree with fucking stupid idioms like "there's no smoke without fire" and "if he was found guilty, then he must be". This was a great wake-up call. If a hardworking, serious and committed employee like myself could be found guilty, who is safe in this country and within this system? Oh wait, they must have watched too many American crime series where the dark skinned person is always the baddie, despite the reality. The facts speak for themselves or do they? Thanks to the Swiss "justice" system for opening my eyes to blatant injustice and the persecution of victims. This is my love song to you. Kisses, Toyin

32 plays