Noom - Rodeo - Mx3.ch


4 Plays
50 tracks

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Hinzugefügt am 19 Dezember 2020

Noisy NeighbourHood
Big Fam Records

Credits & Dank

Noom, Mathew Newsam and sunsleepsun are Swiss-based and English, French-speaking artists. Their new song, Rodeo, is a chill pop song, composed with a catchy guitar melody and vocals that stay in your head, perfect for beginning a night out, or just to enjoy with a relaxing cup of coffee on a winter morning . The song Talks about taking on the courage of making your dreams come true, even though it sometimes means leaving your comfort zone, and the people you love, but through it all accepting that these people will always be there, whenever and wherever.


Trois singles en collaborations vous sont offerts pour cette fin d'année. Tout d'abord afin de vous remercier pour votre précieux soutien mais aussi parce que nous souhaitons vous annoncer que 2021 s'annonce remplie de sorties musicales.

Love sur vous et continuez de vous battre pour vos rêves <3 Prenez soin de vous et de vos familles.

4 Plays