BIBOMUSIC - Ché Aché - Mx3.ch

Ché Aché

4 plays
147 tracks

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Added on 6 December 2020

Year of creation
rap suisse, rap, amaury, algabrielbibomusic, djlivia, ocamboman, angelterry, robypulido, suisa, bibomusic, swisslatin, zurich, libre, hiphop, latin, cuba, cheguevara

Credits and thanks

Highl Quality Latin Music, 100% Cuban music, made in Switzerland by BIBOMUSIC.
Libre A Mi Aire is the original and vibrant debut album of Libre,a Cuban group of young artists who met themselves in Zurich, Switzerland. A Mi Aire starts with Libre, a “declaration song” named after the group, of unusual impact and strength, which describes its “credo” and the spirit of all the people who want to be and feel themselves FREE, or, better said, of all the people who want to fly free ( A Mi Aire), breaking the chains of conformism and prejudices. A Mi Aire is an authorial album made of eleven tracks plus an intro to track nine, with rich lyrics reflecting the dreams, the thoughts, the feelings and the passions of these young artists, and represent a bridge between the traditional popular music of Cuba, which these musicians shows to know well, to love and to respect, and the new urban melodies, tunes and styles.
“Quiero que mi canto vuele como el viento, que lleva Tu Corazon, Libre, para espresar todo este amor que llevo dentro, en mi pecho pa’Ti”.
Published by BIBOMUSIC INC.

4 plays