Héloïse - Hold on - Mx3.ch

Hold on

62 plays
4 tracks

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Added on 12 January 2023

Year of creation
sabina leone, héloïse, casio, nowave, post-punk

Credits and thanks

All Songs written and arranged by Sabina Leone.
Voice, Drums, Casio, Loops, Effects by Sabina
Leone. Engineered and Recorded by Daniel Hobi.
Mixed by Daniel Hobi and Sabina Leone. Mixed
and Recorded at Atelier für Ton und Musik, Zürich.
Mastered by Daniel Hobi. Artwork by Bureau Mia.

Thanks to all involved, my family and friends.

Realized with financial support of Popkredit der
Stadt Zürich, Kanton Zürich Fachstelle Kultur
and Cassinelli-Vogel-Stiftung

62 plays