Cookie The Herbalist - I've Seen It All - Mx3.ch

I've Seen It All

1533 plays
66 tracks


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Added on 22 August 2016

Horn Of Africa - Selection
Year of creation
GiddimaniRecords / House Of Riddim

Credits and thanks

'Ive Seen It All' is my contribution to this great new selection (off. release August 12) by Perfect Giddimani's own label GiddimaniRecords. The sweet, rootsy such as slightly melancholic Riddim filled with some amazing horn sets was created by Austrian band and producers House Of Riddim. 'Ive Seen It All' is a very souly, personal song containing some deep content and recorded with much feelings. "I've been hurt betrayed and lied to; my heart's been tricked insulted and kicked... I've seen it all.. yes I've seen it all.. but I will never, never loose control.. not at all..."!

1533 plays