BlueLee - Passion everyday - Mx3.ch

Passion everyday

20 plays
Hip Hop
17 tracks

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Added on 7 March 2020

Year of creation

Credits and thanks

Sky has no limit it‘s just the view that‘s what Bluelee believes in and what her Debut EP: On my way represents. You can be the writer of your own story, be aware that you hold the pen in your own hands. Lead your own way, discover, believe, create and always stay real. On her Journey she traveled around the world to see cultures, meet new people with different minds, learned new languages and discovered herself, her passions and visions. After her travels one thing has clearly changed: She didn’t only see nice views but she see‘s things with completely different eyes NOW. She knows she wants to be independent for more time, peace and freedom and she is aware for this accomplishment she wants to finally do what she loves. This kind of feeling she experiences through her music and that‘s exactly what on my way represents, do what you love and love what you do now. You never know what happens tomorrow and should be appreciative of every single day we are gifted with. Go for it - no matter what. Through her music Bluelee tries to motivate & connect with people with hope and faith to start creating their own foot steps for whatever their hearts truly desire no matter what kind of origin or religion. You are a special star and the universe has so much to offer. Ask, believe and receive & make your own foot prints unforgettable - On my way release March 6th 2020!
A special thanks to: dein-studio.com(Recording Studio), longlivekaspa (Photographer) and sima.zo(Graphic Artist).

20 plays