Coilguns - Mandarin Hornet - Mx3.ch

Mandarin Hornet

116 plays
52 tracks

More information

Added on 29 October 2012

Split w/ NVRVD
Year of creation
Hummus Records

Credits and thanks


1. Mandarin Hornet
2. Dewar Flasks

Guitars and Drums recorded Live by Adam Round at YOYO Sutdio in Perth, Australia on the 1st of june 2012 
Vocals recorded by Louis Jucker at The Chaos Room in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland on june 7th 2012
Mixed and Mastered by Adam Round // Recorded Live and uncut, except vocals, no guitar overdubs. 


3. Hungry For Needs
4. Direktore

All music and Lyrics written by Never Void
Recorded and mixed mostly analog by Stefan Braunschmidt and Lukas Heier
Mastered by Role at Die Tonmeisterei


5. Coilguns - Mastoid (Live in Berlin 2012)
6. Coilguns - Parkensine (Live in Berlin 2012)
Live songs recorded by the house guy at Red Rooster, Berlin, Germany. Mixed and Mastered by Louis Jucker

7. Never Void - Son of Man (Live in Emmen 2012)
8. Never Void - Null and Void (Live in Emmen 2012)
Live songs Recorded by Dennis Meinen

CG & NV proudly worked with the following people to make this record a reality in a couple of weeks :
Neil Thomas, Dawid M. Piprek, Hans Meierotte, Florian Kollin, Adam Round, Jay Brandner, Larissa Meyer, Role, Matthias Sargorski, Uli, Tim and Birgit Heier, Hermann and Helga Braunschmidt, the Papagei Crew, Dennis Plöger, Patrick Freese

Artwork : Dawid M. Piprek
Silk-screen printing: Hans Meierotte and Never Void

116 plays