Naomi Lareine Official - Limitless - Mx3.ch


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Added on 26 February 2021

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The young Swiss R&B singer Naomi Lareine is presenting her new song, “Limitless.” It’s about boundless love and having the courage to fully savor and enjoy life. “Especially during these extraordinary times, it’s important not to be afraid and to simply keep being yourself. My song is a plea for love – love for life and love for the world. Love knows no boundaries, and dreams are infinite. You should always be thankful for what you have and where you are,” says Naomi. The singer is convinced that artists should not let their creativity be restricted in any way, whether by themselves or by others.

“I’ve always encouraged myself and those around me to do what really brings true happiness, without fear of judgment or criticism from others. I hope to inspire people to embrace their individuality with confidence and to show how multifaceted they can be.” The song release also marks the start of a collaboration between the singer and the Magnum ice cream brand. Magnum is supporting a young female artist in pursuing her passion, as well as joining with her to issue a call to be brave, to be true to yourself, and to do what you really enjoy in life.

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