frèrelumière - The Un - Mx3.ch

The Un

3 plays
11 morceaux

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Ajouté le 27 avril 2024

The Night Depository
Année de création
#alternative #chamber #pop #dark indie #singer-songwriter #swiss

Crédits et remerciements

«The Un» is for all those who have always felt out of place. Those who had to go out and figure out what was meant for them. Those who are masking out of necessity, pretending to amble like everyone else – until they can simply be.

A fusion of acoustic elements, breakbeat, and electric noise, «The Un» is a dramatic track that features frèrelumière's signature narrative sounds to convey a story. The beats and bass sounds are a mix of harp recordings and electronic percussion, with Sandro Corbat's guitar sounds ranging from twangy structures to fuzzy space.
Luca Glausen's production amplifies the organic feel without losing the driving force of electronics that laid the song's groundwork.

The final, sudden drop into the chanson-esque outro hints at further elements of frèrelumière's musical lore. Elements, that might be revisited in future productions. Stay tuned!
released March 9, 2024
Song by frèrelumière – Frank Wenzel, Sandro Corbat, Andrea Brunner
Lyrics/Vox – Frank Wenzel
Guitar/Effects – Sandro Corbat
Harp/Effects – Andrea Brunner

Produced by Luca Glausen
Recorded by the band and Jonas Prina
Vocals recorded by Jonas Prina
Mixed and mastered by Jonas Prina

Picture credits:
Photograph © by Frank Wenzel
Design by Robert Keller and Frank Wenzel

3 plays