Nääh, keine Biographie hier, wenn Ihr uns unbedingt kennenlernen wollt, schafft Ihr das auch anders...das hier ist viel interessanter:.........................................
"How much gas does a normal person pass per day?
On average, a person produces about half a liter of fart gas per day, distributed over an average of about fourteen daily farts.
Whereas it may be difficult for you to determine your daily flatus volume, you can certainly keep track of your daily numerical fart count. You might try this as a science fair project: Keep a journal of everything you eat and a count of your farts. You might make a note of the potency of their odor as well. See if you can discover a relationship between what you eat, how much you fart, and how much they smell.
How does a fart travel to the anus?
(Question submitted by Sigfrido H.)
One may wonder why fart gas travels downward toward the anus when gas has a lower density than liquids and solids, and should therefore travel upwards.
The intestine squeezes its contents toward the anus in a series of contractions, a process called peristalsis. The process is stimulated by eating, which is why we often need to poop and fart right after a meal. Peristalsis creates a zone of high pressure, forcing all intestinal contents, gas included, to move towards a region of lower pressure, which is toward the anus. Gas is more mobile than other components, and small bubbles coalesce to from larger bubbles en route to the exit. When peristalsis is not active, gas bubbles may begin to percolate upwards again, but they won't get very far due to the complicated and convoluted shape of the intestine. Furthermore, the anus is neither up nor down when a person is lying down.
Achtung!!!!Die tiefsinnigste Frage die Du seit langem gehört hast folgt nun:
Why do farts come out of your butt?
(Question submitted by the Perry family)
The butt is the location of the anus in humans, and by definition, a fart is an anal escape of intestinal gas. We should be grateful that we are not crinoids. The crinoid is a marine creature with a U-shaped gut, and its anus is located next to its mouth."
(http://www.heptune.com/farts.html) 19.3.2010
Tja, zum Glück sind wir keine "Crinoide", und zum Glück sind deren Gedärme nicht O-geformt!!!!
Nun wisst Ihr wenigstens dass teilweise auch wir kindischen Fäkal-Humor witzig finden, und dass Ihr nicht die einzigen sind, die den ganzen Tag vor sich hinfurzen...