Dirty Sound Magnet - Dirty Sound Magnet - Flowers, Angels and Chaos (Music Video) - Mx3.ch

Dirty Sound Magnet - Flowers, Angels and Chaos (Music Video)

57 Plays
45 tracks

Weitere Informationen

Hinzugefügt am 17 Januar 2024


Shot in December 2023 in Barcelona during the release tour of our album Dreaming in Dystopia. We took a stroll in the city and started talking about how cool it would be to shoot a music video. Maxime looked at me and said: "let's just do it now". So we spent two nights in the streets of Barcelona shooting this. This might were probably our most productive off days ever. And then the tour went on...

Dreaming in Dystopia
Wild Thing
Regie (Video)
Maxime Cosandey
alternative rock, psychedelic rock

Credits & Dank

Shot and edited by Maxime Cosandey
Written by Stavros Dzodzosz
Recording/Sound Engineer: Marco Mottolini
Produced by Dirty Sound Magnet
Mixing Engineer: Léopold Schwaller
Mastering: Paul Gold, Salt Mastering (NY, USA)

57 Plays

1 Play gestern