Momentos Poétcos is a cultural event that will take place on Sunday 22 Octorber 3pm, in the Castelo de Evoramonte. It is organised by Celeiro do Comum. There will be poetry (in Portuguese) and music by Luíza Assis & Humberto Damas. The music is played on an Indian string instrument and is composed by Arkadias Silesius. The concert is supported by the Câmara de Estremoz and by Direção Regional de Cultura do Alentejo.
The organisers invited Sonja Roth to sing at the end of the concert some of her newly composed songs. Sonja Roth (Switzerland) has an arQsQc residency at FoundaQon OBRAS. Her songs are mysterious and dreamy, and inspired by migraQon, freedom and solitude.

Castle evoramonte, Evoramonte

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