Wings Music & Events vous propose en collaboration avec Champmeslé une PREMIERE SOIREE METAL EXPERIMENTAL/INDUSTRIEL 2018 avec King Satan qui nous viennent de Finlande durant leur tournée Européenne et nos amis LECKS Inc. de Marseille qui seront également en tournée. Geisterwald ouvrira le bal de la soirée ! PREVENTES EN LIGNE - PLACES LIMITEES !

*** KING SATAN released it’s first single titled ”Enter Black Fire” in December 2015 which was followed by a demo EP ”We Are King Satan And We Fuck The World” in January 2016. The demo was sold out very fast during becoming weeks due to widespread attention not only in native Finland but also aboard. Second single ”Psygnosis” was released in May 2016 when the KING SATAN was signed to Finnish record label SATURNAL RECORDS for the debut album and of which recordings began soon after at BLACKVOX STUDIO.

Due to the success of the first singles KING SATAN was summoned to perform live gigs starting from 2016’s SAARIHELVETTI FESTIVALS at Tampere, Finland leading to GOTHIC FEST SOFIA in Sofia, Bulgaria together with series of gigs where the band supported or shared stage with such bands as PAIN, PERTURBATOR, CARPENTER BRUT, SHINING, TURMION KÄTILÖT, VELVET ACID CHRIST, HORNA, SHIV-R to name a few, this alongside with performing at legendary NUMMIROCK METAL FESTIVALS 2017 in Finland’s Midsummer of 2017.

*** LECKS Inc. est un groupe français de metal industriel expérimental, sillonnant sur des univers divers et extrêmes, saigné des influences de ses membres.

Désireux de redonner vie à ses premiers amours, Lecks se lança dans l'écriture d'un nouveau projet musical... s'offrant un retour aux sources de la musique minimaliste, sur un fond d'ambiance horrifique et industriel. Mettant à la fois à profit ses expériences théâtrales et musicales, dans la création d'univers oniriques...

Retrouvez-les également au au Hellfest Cult - Scène privée Klub 2018 le 21/06

*** GEISTERWALD is an industrial metal (duo) band based in Geneva, Switzerland, formed by Harald Wolken and Gaelle Blumer. In april 2017 the two members decided to pool their passion of music to create Geisterwald. Harald entirely composes the songs on guitar, synth and vocals in german. Gaelle composes the drum. Having both started music young, with many group experiences, Geisterwald tends to develop quickly to share to everyone them passion of metal.

Ouverture des portes 20h00
Concerts 21h00

Entrées :
Préventes 12.24 vestiaires inclus
VIP 27.62 early access, goodies, welcome drink, meeting bands, shooting photos, vestiaires inclus
Sur place 15.-

/!\16 ans révolu (une pièce d'identité peut vous être demandée)/!\

@Champmeslé, Rue Jacques Dalphin, 53. 1227 Carouge.
TPG: ligne 12, 18, arrêt Ancienne


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