Laddermen is an indie rock band originated in Texas, U.S. based out of Luzern, Switzerland. The group formed in 2019 when a young American, Leopold Oakes, left his land to redefine the concept of home in Switzerland with bittersweet melancholy. After being discovered on a live radio session, the band gained momentum and signed to Waterfall of Colours for the release of their awaited debut album ‘Special Kind of Violence’ in 2021.

The nostalgic swoon of Laddermen’s sound is bolstered by Oakes’ defeated voice of angst, Scodeller’s deviant harmonics, Kronenberg’s hefty rhythmics and Widmer’s percussive urgency. The band is currently working on their sophomore album and set to bring their live show on tour. Laddermen are forging their way into fans’ lives as a nostalgic remain to ones cherished memories and lost experiences.

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