Praised worldwide by OkayAfrica whereas he has just released his first album, VOODOO, cradled by Haitian culture and Afro-descendant music since his childhood, very early begins to put his voice in the studios of Geneva's new musical scene. With his group experiences (Transmusicales, Montreux Jazz Festival, Gurten, Antigel), at just 24, the one who officiates within the collective of beatmakers OZADYA has just released his first album “MAMBATOWN”, a resolutely eclectic project. No doubt you will hear a lot about this young talented man in the months to come.
NTS Branko show FM4 ORF InfinitBlog EPIC RTS Couleur3 Métissages LIVE itw+set
RedBull: 11 top Geneva acts to watch 2020 RTS Couleur3: album de la semaine 24Heures RTS LeTemps
LIVE HIGHLIGHTS TransMusicales2019 MontreuxJazz Antigel Festival Gurten Electron