Weltklasse AC/DC Tributeband Energie, gute Optik und rohe Rock'n'Roll Power
Seit 2010 machen die talentierten jungen Musikerinnen die Szene unsicher und erobern die Herzen der AC/DC-Fans im Sturm. Gegrünfet in der Schweiz – gefragt auf der ganzen Welt. 2014 standen nebst der Schweiz Italien, Tschechien, England und Schottland auf dem Tourplan. 2015- 2016 Jahr stürmen die AC/DC Girls in die USA und die Karibik.
Der Ruf dieser Frauenband basiert auf ihren für Schweizerinnen untypisch wilden Bühnenshows, leidenschaftlicher Verausgabung und inniger Verbindung zum Publikum, welches mit der Band die Musik von AC/DC feiert. BACK:N:BLACK steht Bands, die in Stadien auftreten in nichts nach. Die Liebe zur Musik von AC/DC mit standhafter musikalischer Kompetenz vereint, zog bereits die Aufmerksamkeit von AC/DC selbst auf sich. Die Band bietet Songs aus dem gesamten Spektrum der über 40-jährigen Karriere von AC/DC dar: von Hits wie “Thunderstruck”, “Hells Bells”, und “Highway to Hell”, bis hin zu weniger bekannten Leckerbissen, wie "Down Payment Blues".
NEW PRO DVD & CD: www.backnblackgirls.com
SOME HIGHLIGHT SHOWS - see official site or Facebook for upcoming shows!
★ 2019: Festivals in UK, BE, SK, NL, FR, CH, NO
★ 2017-18 Sierre Blues w ZZ Top (~8,000+); Rock Pod Slovakia w Arch Enemy
★ 2017 Sierre Blues Fest w/ ZZ Top, European Tour (Switzerland, Belgium, France, Slovakia, UK)
★ 2016 Hull UK (Sold out), Montreux Jazz Festival, Züri Fäscht, Coming of Rock, Bon Fest with Mark Evans
★ 2015 Euro Bike Fest, Czech Republic (Crowd: ~6,000), Tours in Switzerland, England, Liechtenstein, Italy
★ 2014 Bon Fest Scotland (Sold out), Fêtes de Genève (Largest Swiss French street Festival), CZ, UK, CH
★ 2013 Montreux Jazz Festival (Sold out)
★ 2013 Züri Fäscht (Largest Swiss German street festival, 1M attendees)
★ 2012 Rock Oz'Arènes w/ ZZ Top, Alice Cooper, Iggy & Stooges, Gotthard, LMFAO (Crowd: ~6,000)
★ 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 Verbier Bike Fest (Crowd: ~5,000)
★ 2011, 2010 Rock Am Bach (Crowd: ~6,000)
"Good on them!" —Brian Johnson, Singer AC/DC
"I like your band. Your drummer is great." —Phil Rudd, Drummer AC/DC
"If you like AC/DC you'll love these girls. A great band, very professional and well worth a look." —Jackie JAX Chambers, Lead Guitarist, Girlschool
"...totally blown away...blow most male tribute bands we've seen off the stage...one of the best AC/DC tribute bands in the world.”—LIVE WIRE BOOKING NORWAY
"45 years old, and it took you guys to get me to listen to AC/DC... now I realize what I've been missing out on! You're AWESOME!"
"You guys have a distinct sound (groove, click, chemistry?) call it what u will. I have yet to hear anything close to that except of course from AC/DC... I for 1 wouldn't pay to see someone else"—Fan
"Wow! I have seen hundreds of bands, and you are no doubt the best tribute I have ever seen"—Fan
"Always smiling on stage... I love how you always make time to talk to fans!"—Fan
"It was a pleasure to work with you. You are very professional and reliable, both on and off stage. We only got good feedback from our staff, partners and crowd, and look forward to working with you again soon."—Head of Booking, Rock Oz'Arènes
"Wow, you are real pros! I hope we will have another chance to organize a concert with you soon."—Head of Marketing, Verbier Sport Plus SA
"These Ladies converted my girlfriend to liking AC/DC. Thank You BACK:N:BLACK :)"—~Unkie Angus~, AC/DC Family