Born in Dublin and sang and played guitar in bars and on the streets for years before moving to Zurich in 2008. I cannot stop writing music. Doing so forces me to try to interpret the world and helps me deal with the anger I find myself having due to some of the absurdities related to how we humans live. Writing music and lyrics helps me come to terms with the inequality and brutality we are faced with every day and I feel I can take that anger and sadness and hopefully turn it into something positive.
Songs are political, anti-capitalist, anti-nation state, anti borders, anti possessions and ownership, anti bureaucracy, anti gender binary, pro human, pro love, pro empathy, pro community, pro multiculturalism, pro anarchism, pro individualism. Some are sad, some are hopeful, some are angry, some are resigned. All are heartfelt and honest.
It is hard to say what musicians have influenced me. If pushed I would say Radiohead, Jose Gonzalez, PJ Harvey, Bloc Party, Gabriel Faure and many others.