In the late-departing train of Late Departure, faces sit together, all of whom have pursued other musical projects before coming together for this brand-new endeavor. Leonie Zehnder, vocalist and originally a solo singer-songwriter with a ukulele, is now venturing into the band experience. Maurus Jäggi, guitarist, and Fabian Zemp, pianist, have been performing on stage in various constellations for over ten years—most recently with their indie band brokers. Nicolas Hofer, drummer, comes from the brass band scene and was a former companion of Maurus and Fabian in their very first band modesty, which, true to its name, remained humbly confined to the basement and never made it to the stage. Dilara Ulugöl completes the band with her passion for four strings—bass and violin are her realms. The blend of old and new musical stories from the members manifests in their light and danceable indie-pop sound, which, despite the full band setup, brings stories in Swiss German and English to the stage in singer-songwriter fashion.