"For me, giving voice did not start yesterday.
Early lung separations on a school stage.
First poetries towards 12, 13, first verses"
That's how I found myself immersed in the multicultural world of HipHop through music and writing.
After numerous meetings in the mid Lausanne mainly first concrete steps with Cirilo support.
Then "disappearance" of the movement ...
Yes ...
Life is not a long wide quiet river, thus, big personal and artistic questioning without stopping me for all that.
"If music is a drug, I'll take it to the bad trip"
It was during this trip in troubled waters that I join to Cabailero Louba and that YinYangMuzik ' was born.
Following then, artistic desires become clearer.
A group is created with Cirilo; AlterEgaux.
Meetings with Lyn-Po, Sina, Division Explicit, Baby Skin, DJ Vinyl Touch CafféCloppe, ProlifikBeats, Rocho el Creativo, Krystal Roze and many others.
Sharing as key word, trying to look "loin, toujours plus loin, et au-delà si possible". =>(away, ever further, and beyond if possible)
Translated via www.Reverso.net & Google by Thomas (R.eLnoorz).
Help me to correct the mistranslations.
Report them to me by mail.
Thank you in advance.
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