Welcome to the world of Silvetone. Distopia - the new album is being created. In 2024, the planet will be in a torn present, the dystopia of earlier years is now the truth that everyone creates for themselves. In the here and now, where history creates mistrust, is glorified by political maneuvering, where history is misinterpreted as a script of screenplays, as a backdrop to battles and dramas of multi-million dollar productions. In a time when wars are being fought, orchestrated by egomaniacal minds - alienated from the base, without meaning or purpose, kept functioning in the head office. In the now, when software is smarter than humans and leaves no mystery unsolved, where we ask ourselves whether the planet still needs us, whether love has degenerated into an abstract concept, exposed by data patterns, disenchanted by everything. How can you still dream in pink and sky blue?
It's one man: Silvetone - native to the land of mountains and chocolate. Programmed melodies, rhythms, sounds and text create a new, haunting mixture. Under construction - Silvetone's thing is the sound, working on it, alienating it, editing it. And the text, letting it guide the dramaturgy, combined until the end to create an organic acoustic composition. And what does that result in? Is it pop? Perhaps experimental pop? Spoken word? No, not really. The search for categorization is still ongoing.
Everything audible is arranged by Silvetone