Laddermen - Decorated Gladiator - Mx3.ch

Decorated Gladiator

24 plays
12 tracks


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Added on 23 September 2021

Special Kind of Violence
Year of creation
Waterfall of Colours
post-punk, alternative rock, indie rock

Credits and thanks

why save them not adore them
we’ve all read the same books
forgive decorated gladiator noise
they applause with great vigor and girth
forgive gladiators for they know not what they do to you

I confess it got under my skin
stayed there for a while
but I was all smiles
I confess it got under my skin
stayed there for a while
but I was all smiles

play with your toys
laser guns and petrol bombs
I surrender
I surrender
but who is who
who is who

Forgive decorated gladiator noise they applaud
with great vigor and berth

but who is who
who is who
who is who
who actually is who

24 plays