Debora Rusch - As One We Dance In The Rain (Global Happy Song) - Mx3.ch

As One We Dance In The Rain (Global Happy Song)

27 plays
9 tracks

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Added on 28 September 2021

Year of creation
Dreamshelter Music
unity, love, peace, hope, happy mood, dreamsehlter music, spoken words, german rap, spanish rap, english rap, covid19, corona, shutdown, voice, good times, good vibes, worldwide, artists collaboration, as one we dance in the rain, global happy song, pop, hip hop culture, hip hop, rap, debora rusch

Credits and thanks

10 musicians
65 dancers
15 countries
Limitless origins
ONE connection.
ONE love and passion.
ONE race: souls of earth, joy, power!

As one we CAN make this magic happen.

Thanks to each involved soul! What a beauty resulted and what huge dimension the project turned into after my announcement and appeal concerned the need to unite society.

Artwork: www.tatjanarusch.ch

27 plays