Sascha Knell - In My Life - Mx3.ch

In My Life

286 plays
8 tracks


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Added on 3 December 2021

Year of creation
Knell Music

Credits and thanks

"A song about passion, about my passion, about your passion, whatever it may be.
Passion is like the color that flows through people - we need more color in life"

Guitar & Lead Vocals | Sascha Knell
Keys | Philipp Lüdi
Bass | Samuel Bobst
Drums | Sahin Dogan
Backing Vocals | Livia Spring
Producer | Marco Jencarelli
Recording & Mix | Marco Jencarelli @ Soundfarm Studios Obernau/Luzern
Mastering | Anna Murphy @ Soundfarm Studios Obernau/Luzern
Label | Knell Music

286 plays