Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 24 Januar 2022
- Beschreibung
For those of you who are inspired by my chillout music and would like to dive even deeper into the relaxation process, I recommend this new series of relaxing meditation.
The meditations are being developed in a creative process together with my partner Heidi Marlen Grau who writes the lyrics and will also accompany you through this wonderful meditation.
- Erstellungsjahr 2022
- Regie (Video) Fantomacs
- Tags healing, ambient, chakra, meditation
- 31 Plays
Released December 12, 2021
Thanks to Heidi Marlen Grau for the lyrics and narration.
Music written by Fantomacs
Produced, Mixed & Mastered in the FANTOMACS LAKEVIEW STUDIO, Switzerland (2021)
Album Art by Fantomacs (© 2021)
Als Live-Musiker, versierter Keyboarder, Produzent und Kreativer hat Fantomacs ein Händchen für gefühlvolle Musik, die sich mit den sensiblen und introspektiven Themen der Selbstbalance und...