ARP Feelgood - Caterpillar Stories - Mx3.ch

Caterpillar Stories

58 plays
Musiques Improvisées
190 morceaux

Plus d'informations

Ajouté le 5 février 2022

Scape 1.1
Année de création
ARP Feelgood Prod.

Crédits et remerciements

Many thanks to Heinz Hasch at his wonderful Feelgood Studios in Zürich. It's alwasy a pleasure to play with all this guys!
All the music of ARP Feelgood is fully improvised and all the wonderful textures growing out of the moment and the musical skills of the musicians.
Rainer Weber: guit.
Thise Gloor: keys & synths
Heinz Hasch: bass
Reto "Puma" Bischofberger: drums
©2017 +SUISA+

58 plays