Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 15 Februar 2022
- Beschreibung
Šuma Čovjek are back! The Swiss/Bosnian/Algerian musicians release "Ohé la vie", the second single of their new album "Fata Morgana", which will be released in January 2022.
“Ohé la vie” (“ahoy life” in French) is a call for life, a desire for a spirit of optimism after a time of unwanted standstill. It is projection and hope for dynamism, for moving forward into an albeit unknown future.LYRICS (ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE):
Ohé la vie, ohé les amis
Ohé la vie, ohé la famille
Nouvel élan, nouvelle mélodie
Nos cœurs qui chantentOhé la vie, c’est parti, voilà la vague que j’attendais
Je secoue la couronne léthargique qui me traînait
J’ai envie de vie et je me laisserai porter
Par le vent, par la mer et l’amitiéNouvel élan, je le sens, le moment
Mon intuition qui dessine les contours de l’avenir
Je redoute les doutes et j’ai besoin de sentir
Le goût du vent, de la mer et de l’amitiéOhé la vie, ohé les amis
Ohé la vie, ohé la famille
Nouvel élan, nouvelle mélodie
Nos cœurs qui battent et qui chantentOhé la vie prolazni živote
Previše nas zamaraju svote
Carevo ruho i milost drugih
I nove igre i ljubav tudihStep by step, udahni duboko
Koristi mozak, al uzdaj se u oko
Ono treće sto lebdi nad nama
I milicije intuicije ohI svakog dana pratim ju ja
I molim Boga da snagu mi da
Da na putu ustrajem ja
Ohé la vie, put životaOhé la vie je bilo u noći
Uzbuđeno sam gledao u oći
Nesiguran s povjerenjem u sebe
I nove teme i nove moćiStep by step, udahni duboko
Koristi mozak, al uzdaj se u oko
Ono treće što lebdi ud nama
I milicije intuicijeOoooh Ooooh, doce nam taj dan
Ooooh Ooooh, neću bit sam jaOhé la vie, ohé les amis
I svakog dana pratim ju ja
Nouvel élan, nouvelle mélodie
Ohé la vie – Put života - Album Fata Morgana
- Erstellungsjahr 2021
- Regie (Video) Jelena Gavranovic
- Tags balkan, balkan beats, balkan brass, chanson française, chanson, chansons
- 1549 Plays
- 2 Plays gestern
- English subtitles available in video -
Follow Šuma Čovjek
Instagram: www.instagram.com/suma_covjek/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sumacovjek
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3qwWg...
Website: www.sumacovjek.ch
Booking: florian@justbecause.ch
Production: Šuma Čovjek (Manuel Wülser, Ivica Petrušić, Hafid Derbal)
Director: Jelena Gavrilović
Producer: Marko Milovanović
Photographer: Dominic Nahr
Cinematographer: Marko Milovanović
Costume: Ena Begićević
Editor: Tamara Krstanović
Grading: Marko Milovanović
Actors: Tajra Husić, Ilhan Hasičić, Ajnur Pašić, Vedad Huskić, Armina Mujkić, Ehlimama Alihodžić, Adna Marušić, Mila Hašićević, Enes Bajrić, Dea Jurić, Emin Taljić, Ahmet Mahmutović, Demir Buljibašić, Hana Marušić, Sara Hantalović, Adna Ajanović
Organization & Location management: Safet Kubat
Televisions: N1, FTV, RSG, Radio Zenit, Radio Sarajevo, Zdici Info
Recorded at Mazzive Sound Studios Bellmund
Mixing: Ben Mühletaler
Mastering: Dan Suter
Šuma Čovjek: Florian Weiss (trombone), Raphael Kalt (trumpet) Tobias Pfister: (tenor sax), Lucas Wirz (tuba), Mathias Weibel (violin), Tino Siegrist: (drums), Manuel Wülser (keys), Ivica Petrušić (vocals), Hafid Derbal (vocals), Jonas Künzli (bass) Orhan Gül (livetech), Monika Frei (merch)
Music & Lyrics: Manuel Wülser, Ivica Petrušić, Hafid Derbal
Big thanks to:
- Stadt Aarau
- Aargauer Kuratorium
- Kanton Zürich - Fachstelle Kultur
- Hans und Lina Blattner Stiftung
- Kulturstiftung der Credit Suisse Aargau
- C. und A. Kupper-Stiftung
And more big thanks to: Hašim Mujanović, Cvećara Magnolija, Alija Lokvančić, Ivica Grgić, Šeherzada Operta, Vanja Andjić, Igor Ginger, Mickaël Daudin, Valentina Marabotto, Christian Tschirhart and Olivier Dumont
Šuma Čovjek neues Album «Ringišpil» - Release: 25.10.2024
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