Amanda Rakel - Master of My Heart - Mx3.ch

Master of My Heart

20 plays
16 tracks

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Added on 10 April 2022

Year of creation
singersongwriter, singer/songwriter, singer, singer-songwriter, female vocal, femaleartist, female artist, dance music, popmusician, popmusic, popmusik, edm

Credits and thanks

I wrote Mater of My Heart with my long-term co-writer Mette Damm and then went on a mission to find a producer who could turn it into the moody dance track I envisioned for it. Marco, a Swiss musician who's main focus is on metal, produced this amazing track. I met Marco through instagram when he sent me a DM saying he was looking for a female vocalist for his edm project. Marco wrote from his artist account, Syndrone, where I could see no trace of pop only metal performances. I was skeptical but decided to hear what he'd produced so far and gave him a demo to see what he could do and I was blown away. I knew right away he was the perfect person to produce Master of My Heart and to date it's my favourite production.

Master of My Heart was inspired by a re-occuring nightmare. In the dream I kept on taking back an ex. It was incredibly frustrating, so, even though I'm over this person, I felt a need to address the nightmare and the consequences of going back to someone like him. It's one of those songs you write easily and I think that's why it was such a joy creating it. I hope you love listening to the track as much as I do.

20 plays