Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 3 Mai 2022
- Beschreibung
Walk away - a song talking about a human being that's overwhelmed by its routine and decides to leave her place, going on a quest of something bigger than what she already saw. She soon finds out a new world that she could never even dream of.
- Album Before the Forth
- Erstellungsjahr 2022
- Label Uranian Stone
- Regie (Video) Benoit Robert
- Tags psychedelic rock, psych, psychedelic
- 208 Plays
- 1 Play gestern
Clip Vidéo
Réalisation : Benoit Robert
Acteurs : Lylou Müller & Robert Rudenco
1er Assistant : Balthazar Verger
Directeur photographie : Tanguy Guinchard
Gaffer : Maxime Perrin
Assistant de Production : Gregory Cucu
Directeur Artistique: Robert Rudenco
Typographie Crux Sledge : Tyone
Enregistrement et Mixage : Fabio Petrino
Mastering : Greg Dubuis - Studio du Flon
Projet produit et supervisé par SAE Institute Genève
Crux Sledge is a psychedelic rock band based in Gland, Switzerland that was founded in 2018 by Robert Rudenco (originally from Moldova) and Joris Arlaud (from Switzerland) and afterwards joined by...