Safe Upstairs - No One Needs Your Fuckin' God! - Mx3.ch

No One Needs Your Fuckin' God!

20 plays
42 tracks

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Added on 6 July 2022


it pisses me off immensely every time religion sticks its greedy broken fingers into modern politics and fucks about. roe v. wade has once again shown how christianity is still causing immense harm and grief, all based on an unfounded and laughable belief in something - some entity, that, did it really exist, would so not be fucking worthy of being glorified and prayed to.

so i'm doing my tiny little part. just to piss those off who get pissed off by this kind of stuff. well, you pissed me off too.

no one needs your fuckin' god!

Year of creation
Shit Gospel
Jonas Blumer
folk, indie, devil blues, bedroom pop, folkpunk, hailsatan

Credits and thanks

thank you to the great lord satan. who also doesn't exist. but if all this shit was real, man, i'd be down with the red one for sure. so all hail satan!

and now, emi, universal, sony, fuckin' sign me. huehue

20 plays