About this Track
- Added on 17 May 2022
- Description
To The Sky - the brandnew single of Simis King & Epic Eric. Enjoy the summer vibes and share it with your friends.
Listen to all 4 versions of "To The Sky" on Spotify:
https://open.spotify.com/album/4Dzgp30txT6tn3tUJ6TEHs?si=xl6Iq4v4QKGgr-mLdMDrAw&utm_source=copy-linkOr Soundcloud:
https://m.soundcloud.com/simiskingmusic/sets/to-the-skyFollow my channel on Youtube and Spotify and listen to all my music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Nur5yquOPYSDbxrxb8FuW?si=n9at6zUaTQWxZPpJeuoSHg
The video was written and directed by Simon Wenigerkind
- Album To Ths Sky
- Year of creation 2021
- Director Simon Wenigerkind
- Tags changes, change, careers, balloon, fly away, fly, children of tomorrow, child, sky
- 22 plays
Jan Stauffer (as Yung Business-Man )
Tobias Pfister (as Boss)
Reto Weber (as Boss)
Heidi Wenigerkind (as Boss)
Simon Wenigerkind (as Business-Man and Simis King)
Epic Eric (as himself)
Stefanie Baumann

Der King ist zurück. Ganz in weiss und mit Rosa Brille zeigt sich SIMIS KING
(saɪmɪz kɪŋ) zusammen mit EPIC ERIC in neuem Gewand. Nach anderthalb
Jahren Release-Pause droppt das Thuner Popduo...