Posin (Live)

62 plays —
, 2020
About this Track
- Added on 3 October 2022
- Description
Eine Tanzeinlage des "Burlesque" Musicals 2020. Moana Rossi (Tanzchoreografin) und Nico Schlegel als Solisten.
- Year of creation 2020
- Director Fulvio Bottoni
- 62 plays
Credits and thanks
Ich bedanke mich bei allen TeilnehmerInnen und Mitwirkenden des Musical a Scuol 2020.

Cinzia musica
Pop, Swing, Jazz
41 tracks
is a classical pianist and performer from Scuol, Switzerland. She is the Golden Gate Symphony‘s first Artist in Residence in San Francisco and she recently graduated from the University...
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