About the Track
- Added on 5 December 2022
- Description
"Hold Fast - Stay True"
So say the mariners, whenever the wild storms hit.
And it seems an appropriate title for the third single (released on March 18th 2022) from musical journeyman Toby May's soon to be released (second) album "Never Fall" (released on March 30th 2022) .He has never lost sight of the lands that lie just over the horizon.
Recording during the tempests of COVID lockdowns, he and his super international team have delivered another pop-timistic antidote to the gloom. Written and recorded at Unagi Sound (www.unagisound.com) in Geneva he was joined (remotely and appropriately socially distanced, of course) by Richard Spooner (UK/CH - Philippe Fankhauser, Dominic Shoemaker) who co-wrote the lyrics, Dale Davis (UK - Amy Winehouse, Paul Young) whose groove inventiveness was on full display, along with his trusted, drummer-mate, Stef Roul (FR- Anxious Records, Dave Stewart, East 17). Greg Arnold (AUS - Things of Stone and Wood) harmonises and brings some antipodean oomph to those mighty choruses and Rui Guerreiro (PRT - Luísa Sobral, Rui Valoso) welcomed the good ship back into harbour with some warm mixing and mastering.
Balance is a key lyrical theme in the song.
In turbulent times, how does one keep one's "hands upon the wheel" and "feet on solid ground"?
To illustrate this he has worked again with Flying Focus (www.flyingfocus.ch) to make a fun video, which features internationally renowned performer RollerMan (Jean-Yves Blandeau - www.buggy-rollin.com) and Angel Skaters Nouria Castaigns (www.instagram.com/nouria_csg) and Curtis Langui (www.rollergeneve.ch).And what better place to shoot this clip than Geneva airport's brand new terminal, the East Wing!
(www.gva.ch) - Album Never Fall
- Year of creation 2022
- Label Unagi Sound
- Director Flying Focus
- 91 plays
Merci Richard Spooner, Dale Davis, Stef Roul, Greg Arnold, Rui Guerreiro, Yvon Labarthe, Ana Lowry, Jean-Yves Blandeau, Nouria Castaigns, Curtis Langui et Genève Aéroport.

TOBY MAY British born, Genava based songer-songwriter/producer has the ambition to be able
to deal with serious matters in his intimate music and turns them round into a sunny and epic way.