Nat Cartier - Faking It - Bee Asha with Nat Cartier - Mx3.ch

Faking It - Bee Asha with Nat Cartier

209 plays
26 tracks


More information

Added on 12 January 2023

Year of creation
The Edinburgh Collective
Bee Asha
videos, videoclip, video, art, bass, keys, schottisch, schottland, scottish music, scottish, scotland, edinburgh, swiss artist, swiss, saxophon-solo, saxophonist, saxophon, neo-soul, saxophone, musicvideos, music video, musicvideo

Credits and thanks

Massive shout-out to everyone involved in the creation of the video!

Bee Asha and...

And to Hamish Brown for the mastering of the audio
And everyone else involved!!

Big thank you to the List UK for exclusively showcasing the video through their platform .
Thank you to Rick Fulton from the Scottish Daily Record for writing an article about Faking It and what I am doing here in Scotland!

209 plays