Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 27 Februar 2023
- Beschreibung
The official video of the single 'Sweet Salt' from the upcoming EP 'She, the Sea' (Release: 24.03.2022).
For live dates and the latest news, check out www.maxberendmusic.com
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/maxberendmusic - Album She, the Sea
- Erstellungsjahr 2023
- Label Revanche Records Amsterdam
- Regie (Video) Maximilian Lederer
- Tags singer-songwriter, indie folk pop, indie folk, folk pop, folk
- 25 Plays
Video & Production by Maximilian Lederer
Music: Max Berend de Boer & Daniël van der Duim
Lyrics: Max Berend de Boer
Production: Daniël van der Duim
Mix: Mark van Bruggen
Master: Robin Schmidt
Studio Sound Engineer: André Mastronardi
Vocal: Max Berend de Boer
Piano: Daniël van der Duim
Guitars: Simon Leferink
Bass: Alan Tucci
Drums: Andri Hürlemann
Backing Vocals: Sara di Caro, Nina Valotti, Daniela Moser, Malin Heiniger
I’m standing at the shore
I did not intend to leave
I know you needed me
I’m staring at the blue
What does it mean to care
When does love become despair
I carry a name
Without a family
Love is the sum of fears
I carry a place
Inside of me
Where even salt can taste sweet
Sweet Salt
Can salt taste sweet
Sweet Salt
What do names mean
I watch the sun go down
I can’t turn back the time
I can be there at sunrise
But when the night falls in
I will leave one light on
Like you have always done
I carry a name
Without a family
Love is the sum of fears
I carry a place
Inside of me
Where even salt can taste sweet
Sweet Salt
Can salt taste sweet
Sweet Salt
What do names mean
Sweet Salt
Max Berend schafft mit seiner Musik ein Zugehörigkeitsgefühl. Mit Liedern, die das geistige Auge zu einer Kinoleinwand werden lassen, kombiniert der Davoser mit niederländischen Wurzeln in seinem...